Our Team
Strategy and Results
The firm has an experienced and up-to-date team, consisting of lawyers and professional workers who are dedicated to providing excellent service and working closely with the clients. As well as this, Tavares and Panizzi works with a range of experts, accountants and technical specialists in various fields, who support its activities.

Gildo Viegas Tavares
OAB/RS No. 20,072
He graduated in Law from Unisinos in 1985, with a postgraduate degree in Civil Law from Cesuca – Gildo is a director of FEDERASUL and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of CICS – The Canoas Chamber of Industry, Trade and Services. He was Chairman of the CICS Canoas for 2018-2019 and Legal Vice President of the CICS, as well as legal advisor to ACISA NSR – the Association of Trade, Industry, Services and Agriculture of Nova Santa Rita.
He was Vice President of the OAB / CANOAS and served as a Member of the Ethics and Discipline Tribunal for OAB / RS. He was the first Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Canoas Food Bank. He also managed the Legal Department of the Business Group in Porto Alegre, running a team of lawyers, working in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. He has worked in Corporate Law for over 30 years.

Shirley Dilecta Panizzi Fernandes
OAB/RS No. 33,279
She graduated from Unisinos in 1992, and also from the Association of Graduates of the Higher School for War (ADESG) in 1995. She has a postgraduate degree from 2000 in Labor Law and Labor Procedure from UNISINOS. She has been working as a lawyer in labor law for employers since 1993. She has been a member of the Rotary Club, Canoas Industrial since 2001, where she has held various positions. She was a director of the Canoas section of the OAB, and General Secretary between 2004-2006. She was Vice President of the ABC-Canoas (The Beneficent Association of Canoas – Nossa Senhora das Graças Hospital) from 2006-2008; Tax advisor to the ABC-Canoas, from 2009-2011 and 2011-2013. Tax advisor to the Canoas Food Bank, since 2009. Visiting lecturer at Feevale for Postgraduate Programs in Labor Law and Occupational Safety for Engineering since 2013.
She was also Vice President of the Canoas Lawyers Club, for 2009-2011 and 2011-2015; Legal Director of the Canoas Chamber of Industry, Trade and Services – CICS, since 2018. President of the Canoas Lawyers Club, for 2019-2021. She has been a member of the CICS’s Businesswomen’s Center since 2013 and community representative on the La Salle University Council, since 2020. She is a postgraduate student on the Law and Real Estate Business Program at Faculdade Damásio (2020).

Rafael Sterzi de Carvalho
OAB/RS No. 72,740
He graduated from PUC-RS in 2007. He had a generalist legal career until 2012 and then began focusing on the business sector. Initially, he worked in the civil and consumer fields, which lasted from 2012 until 2014. In July 2014, he began working with the firm on employer-side labor law, which gave him the chance to work in several different sectors (gas, services, energy, logistics, etc.).
He joined Tavares and Panizzi in 2017, looking for a bigger challenge, to head up the corporate labor law portfolio, dealing with the processing, shipping and services industries, among others.

Advogada atuante desde 2011, com especialização em Direito e Processo do Trabalho concluída em 2012. Possui ampla experiência profissional como Advogada trabalhista em jurídico interno de empresas e em escritórios de advocacia.
No transcorrer de sua trajetória profissional atuou com contencioso trabalhista, na assessoria e consultoria jurídica, participando em negociações coletivas de trabalho, atendendo consultas e elaborando pareceres na área do direito do trabalho.
Mantém-se em constante aprimorando profissional por meio de estudos, cursos e atualizações. Em 2024 concluiu os cursos de Certificação em Compliance e Investigações Internas em Compliance, ambos realizados pela Instituição Programa Compliance, em Porto Alegre/RS.

Gil Bornéo R. Tavares
OAB/RS No. 117,264
A lawyer with expertise in defending and providing advice to companies in the fields of Digital, Contractual, Consumer Relations and Civil Law. He graduated from Unisinos, has a post-graduate degree in Digital Law from the Foundation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, a Certificate in Data Protection and Privacy from Insper / SP, a DPO Certificate from Assespro / RS, and completed an Extension program in Consumer Law at Unisinos.

OAB/RS 115.517
Graduado em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).
Especialista em Direito Tributário pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) e MBA em Gestão Tributária pela Universidade de São Paulo – (USP)

Jonatan da Silva Rodrigues
OAB/RS No. 119,449
He started his professional career at Stefanini IT Solution, a technology company that provides technical support services, where he worked in the second level team that dealt with telecommunications. He graduated from Unisinos in Law and Social Sciences in 2017 and began his career with TP in March 2018 as a legal assistant, working in controllership and software management. He is currently a lawyer at TP, specializing in Digital Law, the LGPD and new technology.

Acadêmico de Direito
Graduando em Direito pela Uniritter – 6º semestre. Curso em aprendizagem profissional comercial em serviços administrativos pelo Senac.

Diara Tavares
She graduated in Communication with a Specialization in Public Relations in 1988, she specializes in Social and Public and Private Ceremonial Behavior. She also provides consultancy and advisory services on business and leisure events; press advice, organization of courses, as well as working on projects and providing communications advice to professional associations. She has been the Public Relations representative at Tavares and Panizzi Law Firm since 2013 and is a member of the Businesswomen’s Center – CICS CANOAS since it began in 2013, which she became coordinator of in 2020. She is Training Director of the FEDERASUL Businesswomen’s Council for 2021.